Sunday, 13 February 2011

Rain Therapy

Love the rain!
The next time it rains, embrace it. Rush outside and let it fall onto your skin. The air will be fresh and invigorating. Let it revitalise you. Lose your inhibitions to the weather.
Dance in the rain! Grab some brightly coloured wellington boots and an umbrella (and a willing friend) and sing, laugh and dance in the rain. Anyone watching will want to join in. A great way to release tension.
Don’t be frightened of a storm. Watch with awe as the lightning brightens the sky and let the rumble of thunder reawaken your soul. The air will become electric and research suggests that people can feel elated.
If you really don’t want to get wet when it rains, stand at the window and simply watch it fall to the ground. The effect is mesmerising and will allow you to relax.
Buy a cd or two with the sound of rain or a storm to soothe you. Just imagine, you are in the cosy warmth of your home and there is a storm outside...let it lull you into a snug, relaxing world...just slip into serenity.
Watch ‘Singing in the Rain’ with Gene Kelly as Don Lockwood who sings and dances in the rain. It is a very uplifting film. Some have described the singing in the rain scene in the film as ‘pure joy’. Watch it and experience it yourself. It may just be the encouragement you need to dance in the rain yourself.
Take the dog on a walk when the weather predicts rain. Rover will love splashing through puddles with you. Wear a raincoat but don’t worry about getting damp and grubby; this is the fun of it! As soon as you return home, you can dry yourself with a warm fluffy towel and relax in front of the telly as the rain hammers against the window. You will feel so snug! (Just don’t forget to dry Rover off too!)
Get a partner and play Frisbee in the rain! It’s an amazing experience and lots of fun. Improve your umbrella twirling skills also!  Have a competition with your friend to see which of you can create the biggest spray of water or the most amazing tap dance.
Pitch a tent when the storm clouds start to gather and once the rain starts to patter on the canvas, share ghost stories and create torch light shapes on the walls. Spooky!
Use the rain as a reason to snuggle up and watch a favourite movie or read a bestseller, or bond with your relatives and play family games such as Monopoly or Scrabble!

Sunday, 6 February 2011

How to raise your soul into the sky and let it soar...

If you long to find a way to lift your spirits, to get in touch with your inner sanctuary and to escape your downtrodden future and find your real destiny, then look only on this page. Take a morning or evening, or a day at the weekend to try these ways of making your inner star sparkle. You will be shimmering forever...

Find a beautiful pebble or buy one that you like and adopt it as a talisman. It can be used as the heart of your cherished dreams and intentions. Perhaps you would like to be calmer when certain situations arise. Simply hold your pebble in your hand and swear your own promise. If you keep your pebble with you all the time, it will serve as a reassuring reminder of your goal.

Keep a small diary of jokes, funny anecdotes and encounters and memories of fun. Whenever you feel a bit low you can glance through the pages and have a chuckle. Write at least a sentence that causes you to smile every day. Your friends and family will love to read it too.

Wake up in the morning determined to see everything in a positive light. Even if bills come in or a friend seems unkind, challenge your belief structure and think only happy and bright thoughts. Make a note how you feel at the end of the day and if you feel blissfully content, do it again tomorrow!

Find your very own inspirational song. Seek it out and once you’ve found it, associate it with a positive and happy mood, or a calm, serene disposition or a laughing, cheerful frame of mind

We all have difficult moments in our past. Think of three and recall what happened to bring you through, all the positive memories that accompanied the hard times. Teach others what guided you. Did the experience make you more empathic with others? What can your friends learn from you?

If everything feels like it’s getting too much, find your inner peaceful haven. Just close your eyes and focus on a gentle white light within. Allow tranquillity to fill your soul.

If you have a dream or ambition you would like to fulfil but have been putting it off, make today the day you consciously decide to start it; it could be spending more time with your family, booking that holiday to swim with dolphins or inventing the love it today!

If you desire an untroubled, peaceful night’s sleep to awake refreshed, then before you drift off, imagine or meditate on an image you find peaceful such as a beautiful landscape, a loyal companion or a cherished pet and then as you focus on this picture it will enter your unconsciousness and apply kindly influence throughout the night. Your mind will be full of positivity when you wake.

Share a day with your family, listen to their words, share their problems and enjoy your time together. What can you teach them from this article? What can they teach you? Embrace them and your life; it’s time to sprinkle your future with positivity and walk into the light.