Monday, 30 January 2017

School of Light

School of Light


Do you wish for someone to turn to, like a friend, when life gets too much?

Have you found that your mental and emotional health is not being supported adequately in the community?

Do you feel lonely, isolated, anxious, depressed?

Perhaps you are stressed and upset, have relationship difficulties, employment pressures...

Maybe life just simply isn’t how you’d like it to be

There is someone to turn to who can help

I would like to make a little difference to your life and to offer hope
I can support, guide and help you to find the right path for you
I have an honours degree in psychology, am a qualified teacher and have counselling qualifications
I want to help you...
Let's start your new journey


'Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic... and we’ll change the world'

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